TIMI Programmes
Located in Brussels, Belgium, headquarters of the European Union, TIMI stands at the confluence of ideas and ideologies which are constantly transforming the global business-economic model and reorienting the future of globalization. The proximity to elite organizations like the European Union Headquarters and NATO exposes the students to a unique transnational perspective.
We invite professionals and industry experts to be a part of our academic fraternity and share their experiences with our students. This we strongly believe adds a practical dimension to the existing curriculum. Through one to one lecturer-student interface and classes in small groups, The International Management Institute provides a professional academic atmosphere to meet students' individual needs.
Our faculty members, apart from putting in a lot of effort in the classrooms, put an equal effort beyond the four walls. When not taking classes, our faculty members are engaged in various consulting projects, writing case studies or research papers or working with our students in faculty guided live projects. We encourage them to dissect issues and cases to bring out the real essence of the situations and present them in the most pragmatic manner.
The stand-alone TIMI PGDM programme offers a more flexible environment to the students with the sessions starting in January, June and September, helping students to join the programme as per their convenience any time throughout the year. Privately taught courses and individual coaching are also available. TIMI encourages students to improve their language skills by choosing elective courses in several European languages. Amongst others, French, German and Spanish can be offered.
TIMI's stand-alone post graduate and undergraduate Programmes lead to Post Graduate Degree in Management (PGDM) and a Graduate Degree in Management (GDM), through which students may specialise in Business Communication and Public Relations, Information Systems, European Business and Management.
Our Programmes are intellectually challenging leading to the overall development of the personality with a balanced knowledge orientation towards world business. Our students are exposed to the changes in the technological, socio-economic, geo political developments which stretch their thought process and identify the optimal solutions.
Many of our graduates are positive, focused and perceptible and are now at the helm of corporate affairs, launching entrepreneurial start-up ventures, consulting in new and emerging industries.
Our students during their Programme will be encouraged to: think strategically when making decisions, empathize with their peers, build successful team and inspire them, and contribute to the success of a project and the overall objective of corporate social responsibility.
Thinking creatively and independently by questioning, rather than blindly accepting subject material is strongly encouraged. Throughout the academic year, students are given a number of assignments, activities and tests so that their progress can be assessed, monitored and given the right direction.
Under the aegis of the global exchange Programmes, our students travel to different institutions which ensure international exposure to the business and the cultural environment leading to a balanced view of the world.
TIMI Post Graduate Degree in Management is a one year,60 credit, 1512 hour programme inclusive of 504 hour contact/online programme, 126 hour (12 credit) guided diploma thesis, 882 hour self study and project work. For credit calculation only the contact hours and guided thesis hours are taken.
TIMI Graduate Degree in Management (for under graduates) is a 120 credit, 3412 hour programme inclusive of 1134 hour contact/online programme, 126 hour (12 credit) guided diploma thesis, 2152 hour self study as a requirement for obtaining the degree. For credit calculation only the contact hours and guided thesis hours are taken.
TIMI Post Graduate Diploma in Management, is a six month, 24 credit, 756 hour programme inclusive of 252 hour contact programme, 504 hour self study and project work. For credit calculation only the contact hours and guided thesis hours are taken.
Students may note these are the no of hours for normal students. Students who have previously done similar studies that timi validates for its credit transfer policy may need to do lesser no of hours for the same degree/diploma.
All Students applying to all programmes may note, one credit is equal to 10.5 hours. Institute always reserves the right to teach less or more hours due to unavoidable circumstances/ administrative reasons as specified on our website/ prospectus though the fees collected will be for total credits.

"We choose to study at TIMI because first of all, the environment is very conducive and suitable for both teaching and learning. Secondly, they have very good teachers who are very accommodating. They take their time to explain courses and also answer all our necessary questions. Lastly, the small number of students in each class allow us to be able to interact and understand more".
(TIMI - Antwerp)